Beach Weekend

Despite the promising East Gippsland floods, Victoria reverted pretty quickly to it's unusually dry and cold June weather. So with no rivers running it was off to Aireys Inlet to surf, eat chocolate and sit in front of the fire at Jen's beach house.
After the usual disorganisation leaving Melbourne, and the phone call from Nick and Kate that let us know they were there already (unfortunately we had the house keys) we all finally made it down there Friday night and cracked open the Baileys, the Tim Tams and set up Grant's laptop with a good dose of paddling porn. The next morning was a slow one, Dave and Rob were coming down for the day and arrived bright and early while the rest of us were still looking a little bleary eyed. So off to Fairhaven where the waves were a decent size but pretty friendly.

For Jen it was her first ever time in the surf in a kayak, none other than her new boat Ted the Infrared. She cottoned on quickly, caught a few waves in the white wash, did her first ever live rolls before heading out the back to play in the big stuff. It got chilly pretty quickly so it was back to the house for lunch then some more chocolate biscuits then back to the beach. This time only Grant and Jen had the motivation to get cold and wet again, the rest of us played with cameras and video cameras which meant that Jen's carnage was on film - that girl showed her determination though with up to four rolls in a row and several good trashings.

Finally they got cold and came in and it was dinner time back at barracks... another evening of chocolate and alcohol while watching every last scrap of paddling footage Grant could find on his trusty mac. Timmy and Huw turned up and generally much fun was had, especially when watching the footage of Timmy 4wd-ing and drowning his car in a large puddle.
(The battle for the bed)

Off to bed and the action didn't stop there, Timmy has his sights set on the double bed Jen and I were sharing and so suddenly the pitch black house was pierced by screams as Jen and I were dragged out of bed by our ankles and Timmy claimed the mattress.
The ensuing battle lasted for over an hour as Jen and I attempted to claim back the bed. I do wonder what the neighbours though of the banging and screaming!
In the end we got the bed back but not before I'd committed to cooking bacon and eggs for the offending bed stealer the next morning. Neither

After the bacon and eggs, it was back to the beach. The surf was smaller but cleaner and Timmy styled it in his C1 even nailing a flat spin!
Jen took over the video camera and I had some fun out in the surf getting some serious bounce going. Now I just have to work out what to do with it once the boat is airborne.... might have to pin Mel down for some blunt lessons.
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